
Basecalling on NVIDIA GPUs

We have some compiled binaries which should work On Linux if you have GLIBC >= 2.17 (invoke ldd --version to check). We have tested them only on systems in Note 1. If you encounter a problem feel free to open an issue.

Getting Started

First, download and extract the slorado cuda Linux binaries tar ball. Note that this is for testing only and the link will not be persistent!!!!

wget "$VERSION/slorado-$VERSION-x86_64-cuda-linux-binaries.tar.gz"
tar xvf slorado-$VERSION-x86_64-cuda-linux-binaries.tar.gz
cd slorado-$VERSION
bin/slorado --help

Download the test dataset with 20,000 reads and run slorado:

wget -O PGXXXX230339_reads_20k.blow5
./bin/slorado basecaller models/dna_r10.4.1_e8.2_400bps_hac@v4.2.0 PGXXXX230339_reads_20k.blow5  -o out.fastq -x cuda:all

Refer to troubleshoot for help on resolving common problems.

Optional Testing

Test if the output maps and identity scores are good (required minimap2, the human genome and datamash):

minimap2 -cx map-ont hg38noAlt.fa out.fastq --secondary=no -t16  | awk '{print $10/$11}' | datamash mean 1 median 1 count 1

It should print the mean identity score, median identity score and the number of alignments. The numbers are expected to be close to the following (would not be identical due to floating point deviations):

0.94328430832131        0.978048       27027

Note 1

Currently, we have tested these binaries on following systems:

  1. O/S: Ubuntu 22; GPU: Tesla V100
  2. O/S: Ubuntu 22 through Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2); GPU: GeForce RTX 4070 (laptop)